These used to be called doblados… now they just are. We get carried away… time flies. Hope it’s the same on your side. Adelante! This week we start off with
Here we are again… still hanging in there? Chingon! This week, only a quick summary with 3 highlights… long week… wait the week semi-just started… long couple days… sas. Fill
Another Tuesday, another Shuffle! We escaped the garage this week to get away from the heat and shuffle in comfort…nice. We also have a “special” guest, we couldn’t score our
Not really a lost episode but not really 100% fresh… hmmm… we’ll leave it at that. This week someone has another intimate Lyft story where the tables get turned with
Let’s get a couple things out of the way right now… A) This episode definitely went long, maybe the longest one yet… and B) That title is definitely some good
“I’m kind of comfortable with getting older because it’s better than the other option, which is being dead. So I’ll take getting older.” -G. Clooney It’s someone’s birthday and we give
He lives! We kick off with a quick recap of el compa’s stand up comedy show. Shuffle to El Mundial… the World Cup! The excitement… the Northgate runs… the comedy…
Moving on up… two guests on today’s episode… esta cabron. El compa Momo came by the shuffle again with actor, and all round chingon vato, Anthony “Big Citric” Campos. We
So for this holiday… wait… what holiday… in the British sense… lost episode time! We banter about a chingon michelada delivery… good times. A massage story… not that kind cochinos!
You’d think that after 40 of these we’d have our sh*t together but alas, we do not. Warning: The first 9 1/2 minutes may sound like they were recorded through
So… thirty-nine… yeah, we’re still around… we assume, or hope, you are also. The episode is kicked off with another instant classic cover by los esmits. Followed by some typical
“Don’t believe todas las chingaderas you hear on the internet.” – Fulano de Tal This week we kick it off with somewhat of a recap of the East LA CAPE experience.
We packed up the gear, threw on our shuffle shirts, and headed to the East LA C.A.P.E (formerly East LA ComicCon)… some of us much earlier than others. What is
So we’re back it… we’ve got another fresh taco-inspired cover for the raza to kick off the episode. Recorded live in the studio garage, not to be skipped! Someone went
First, let’s get this out of the way… 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12345678987654321 … yeah process that. Point number two, this week’s episode happens to be a lost episode. We kept
This week we kick it off with another special creation… surprise and happy birthday. Once that is taken care of we continue on with our regularly schedule shuffle… olé. Someone