Episodes 090 – King James Edition

In case you missed the reference, yeah we get a little bit biblical. It’s not as serious as it sounds… plenty of pendejadas are running wild. We also get into

Episode 089 – Blowing Out the Candles

What do Chente and el Santo Niño de Atocha have in common? Yeah, it’s not that type of joke… they both come up in this episode of the shuffle. Plus,

Episode 088 – That Square Vato

“Faire l’andouille” Let’s see… 88… what happens here… few things… simon. We shuffle around discussing things like some classic 911 calls, a few actors, some tv shows and movies. Not

Episode 087 – La Neta on Finance & Wealth

“Wealth is not about having a lot of money; it’s about having a lot of options.” – Chris Rock This week, there is a bit less shuffling and the discussion

Episode 086 – The Itchy Palm

No definitions or pop quiz this Tuesday…. cause some of us are already on vacation mode. We discuss being with the right crowd or team that complements you, the classic

Episode 085 – Hashtag, Pound, or Octothorp

This weeks’s definition lesson: hash·tag  /ˈhaSHtaɡ/  noun    a word or phrase preceded by a hash sign (#), used on social media websites and applications, especially Twitter, to identify messages

Episode 084 – Get Off Your Nalgas

Hola. Title says most of it. We shuffle… we laugh… we get serious… we shuffle… including a very quick Coachella update, a weekend update, some life wisdom, a bit of

Episode 083 – The Ivory Tower

Tuesday… Tuesday… Tuesday… Monday’s ugly sister. Just when you made it through Monday, Tuesday shows it’s ugly head. It can’t even be Wednesday. Nothing ruins your hopes for Friday like

Episode 082 – Too Old for Cruisin’?

Looks like this little show is continuing on… now that April Fools’ has come and gone. We might be on raza time… but little late is better than never right.

Episode 081 – Recycled Pickle Juice

We shuffle through the usual including a recap of Saint Patrick’s Day, a couple trips to San Diego, and the a.m.f. drink. Plus there are definitely some other topics with
