While this is the before… we are now living in the after… in the cruda. This week we talk about our St Patrick Day plans, someone wanting a kilt, tios
Handballed, hard shell tacos, and daylight saving time… we open up the episode with a nice shuffle. This week the shuffle is strong… we cover quite a few topics and
It’s Tuesday and here we are. Welcome back… grab a coffee and chair. The ball gets rolling talking about energy drinks and those sexual power drinks… yeah… that leads to
We kick off a little heavy… then off to the usual pendejadas. Quick rundown… the shuffle touches on the some Netflix shows (nothing new here), the Oscars, and an update
Lots to discuss this week on the shuffle…or not enough… not sure. Either way, we handle. We start things off a little different this episode but then we continue on
Is it me or are these things getting longer… and longer. A Toda Madre! (Btw, the title is not a sex reference, get your head out of the gutter.) On
This is definitely a music heavy episode. Sure we discuss a few normal things as usual and even get into some fan appreciation day type of talk but… for a
“Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” -Shaw This week we bring back the topic of the smug maga hat teen to re-discuss as the whole picture is
Disclaimer: This may or may not be a rough one (probably the former). Our little threesome has been cut down to a twosome today… it’s a sad day. That being said,
No guest this week… only pendejadas… yup. Someone thinks that we pick on him, yeah maybe but we move on quickly. We discuss the Coachella lineup which this year includes