Simon… 100! In a change of plans, we discuss the 100th Episode Pari since we didn’t end up recording the actually episode live. We decided to party instead. We give
100 minus 1 is 99. What can be said about 99… it’s the one before 100. We discuss typical random topics, as usual. Chingon! Thanks for listening and stay tuned…
Here is what we need to know about this episode… “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” (Plato).
This week the shuffle goes way back to a topic from an early episode, about Juan Gabriel, and we rehash that whole conversation one more time. Then shuffle, shuffle… pendejadas,
This week we shuffle a little less than usual and have some long form discussions. Sure, pendejadas are spread around because… well… pendejadas. Less topics but a little more substance.
So let’s see… this week we talk about… like pendejadas. Good stuff. Need a slight recap… okay… the shuffle gets into mosquitoes, lotto scratchers, someone’s collection of ranflas, someone’s pops
“They sicken of the calm who know the storm.” – D. Parker This week we discuss the “immigration crisis”, the desmadre being created by our government and president. No fact
Shuffle Tuesday in full effect! This week in typical fashion, pendejadas are in abundance. We touch on Father’s day and something about mariscos, then we hear about someone’s unorthodox pick
So yeah… another one that is a little looong. Why? No reason, I guess. This one just keeps giving. This episode we test out having patrons call in and it
We’re back at East LA C.A.P.E. having a chingon time again. Again this year, it was inspiring to see so many people doing what they love to do and to